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Can I Use My Arizona Medical Marijuana Card in California?
Arizona and California are only separated by a state line, but different internal medical marijuana laws mean that enjoying the same...

Are There Any Disadvantages to Getting a Medical Card?
A medical marijuana card comes with some huge advantages for those who require cannabis for medical reasons, but are there any downsides...

How to Avoid Fake Medical Marijuana Card Providers
When medical marijuana cards were legalized in Arizona in 2010, several fake MMJ card scams cropped up as well. These scams remain...

How to Get Legal Weed in Scottsdale, AZ
It's easy to get legal weed in Scottsdale, AZ, if you're 21 or above or have a valid medical marijuana card. If you're visiting...

Key Arizona Medical Marijuana Laws That Every Patient Should Know
Arizona’s medical cannabis laws were enacted in 2010 after the passing of Proposition 203, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA), and...

Can You Get a Job With a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona?
If you have been hesitating to get an Arizona medical marijuana card for fear that it might jeopardize your job prospects or even your...

Is CBD Legal in Arizona?
The legalization of cannabis has dominated news headlines in Arizona, but what’s the legal status of cannabidiol (CBD) oil? This is still...

Is it Legal to Grow Marijuana in Arizona?
It’s now legal for any adult to purchase and consume cannabis in Arizona, but can you grow your own marijuana? When you consider that one...

Can Gun Owners Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona?
If you own a gun and would like to obtain a medical marijuana card in Arizona, it’s important to first brush up on the laws....

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona without Medical Records
You do not need medical records to get your marijuana card in Arizona. To learn how to get your card without records, continuing reading.
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