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How to Get A Medical Card in AZ
The Process
Determine if you have a Qualifying Condition that Arizona recognizes (conditions listed below)
Determine if you will be providing medical records or if you will be having an examination (details below)
Schedule your appointment by calling or booking online
Fill out our online Patient Information Form (a link will be emailed to you after you book your appointment)
Attend your scheduled appointment
We will submit all required information to Arizona the same day as your appointment (or once we have everything required)
Arizona will then begin processing your application within 5 business days. After they process your application they will send you a link via email to access your medical marijuana card
Start visiting licensed dispensaries to obtain your medication (you must wait for access to your card)

What Conditions Qualifies for a Medical Card in AZ?
To become a Medical Marijuana Patient in Arizona, a person must have one of the following qualifying conditions:
Severe and Chronic Pain (This can include arthritis, migraines, old injuries, neuropathy....)
Severe Nausea
Persistent Muscle Spasms
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Alzheimer's Disease
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Cachexia or wasting syndrome
Crohn's Disease
Hepatitis C
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
If Bringing Medical Records
We accept medical records showing that you have been treated for a Qualifying Condition within the past 12 months. These summaries must include the diagnosis about the qualifying condition(s). We do not accept discs or pictures as medical records. We must have your records at the time of your appointment to be able to use them.
Here are some common ways patients obtain their medical records:
1. Visit your doctor's patient portal and download a recent visit summary that includes your diagnosis.
2. Call your medical provider's office and ask for the chart notes from your recent visit(s). (Some offices will charge for this)
3. Fill out our Release of Records form, and we can fax it to your medical provider for you if you send it back to us (make sure it is signed and the fax number is correct).
If you choose option 3, your doctor may take a couple of days and up to 4 weeks to send us the records.
Patients Without Medical Records
For patients who do not have valid medical records from within the last 12 months, we do have doctors onsite who can perform physical exams to diagnose some medical conditions. This exam is limited to muscular/skeletal ailments. If through this focused physical exam a doctor is able to diagnose one of the Arizona Qualifying Conditions, we can assist you.
We must prequalify any patients who require a physical exam. Please give us a call.

How Long Does it Take to Get Your MMJ Card in AZ?
There are three steps to obtaining your medical marijuana card in Arizona. First, you must meet with a doctor licensed in Arizona for an in-person visit. Next, you must submit an application to Arizona to obtain your medical card. At Green Leaf, we help you with the first two steps and get them completed immediately. The third step is the unpredictable part of how long it takes to receive access to your medical marijuana card. Arizona must process your marijuana card application. We have seen them approve marijuana cards the same day patients have visited us. Unfortunately, Arizona is allowed to take up to 5 business days to process your MMJ application. They process the applications in the order they are received. Since we submit your application directly to Arizona as soon as you are done visiting with our physician and have appointments available daily, we are the fastest medical marijuana clinic in Arizona.